Archive for April, 2007

Email notification

Do you also sometimes find yourself desperately checking for new emails, afraid as you are to miss anything? Well, that time is over now, with the extremely handy Mail Watcher Panel plugin! If you set it up correctly, you can get it to notify you of new messages in a nice popup balloon and gives you easy access to your email.

Mailwatcher Notification Balloon

Of course, the first step is to add this plugin. Not that difficult: right click a panel, “Add New Item”, then in that window select “Mail Watcher”, then click “Add”.

You then get the “Edit Properties” window. In this window you can select what type of email you want to watch by clicking “Add”.

Mailwatcher - Add New Mailbox

Now, that’s very cool and all, that it checks your e-mail, but we’d like to go a bit further. First, we want it to open our email when we click the Mail Watcher icon. If you use some kind of web mail, e.g. Gmail, then we can set the “Run on click” command to firefox -new-tab http://gmail.comThat will open a new tab in Firefox that will display your email. If you use an email program like Thunderbird, you can set this command to that program, e.g.: thunderbird

Now that we have that set, let’s set the coolest feature – the notification balloon! First, we will need to have libnotify-bin installed, so fire up the Synaptic Package Manager and install that. Then we can add the “Run on new messages” command: notify-send "New mail" "You have new messages in your inbox" -i xfce-newmail

Mail Watcher - Edit Properties

Tada! Now you are all set and will be notified when you receive a new email.

Shipping Ubuntu Feisty Fawn… And only Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.

You can now request your CD’s of Ubuntu 7.07 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), to be delivered free of charge, via ShipIt.

With the previous version of Ubuntu, Edgy Eft, you could only request CD’s of Dapper Drake, an earlier release of Ubuntu that came with Long Term Support.

When, a few days ago, the ShipIt website announced they were preparing to ship Ubuntu Feisty, I had already half expected this: you cannot request free CD’s of Xubuntu.

Too bad, but if you have a slow internet connection, apparently you can’t have your share of fun with Feisty.

Oh, and if you prefer the “Long Term Support” version of Ubuntu, you’re out of luck, because apparently, it no longer is available for shipping.

Ah well, fingers crossed for Feisty+1… (the Gutsy Gibbon)
